Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday Wrap Up Monumental Week 4

So I think I've settled in with how I will update the training. I plan on posting a weekly update, hopefully on Tuesday. I forgot to review this yesterday, so it's up on a Wednesday this week. I may still post through the week, and then link up in my weekly training post. My training plan that my coach came up with is 23 weeks long. It started on a Friday, since we met on a Wednesday. It's an odd number, but I like it! This past week was a good one, capped by a great 9 miles on Saturday. To catch you up, in case you haven't read, here are my previous posts:

Welcome to KZ Runner Week 1 (and Monday and Tuesday of Week 2)
Training Tuesday Week Week 2 (and Monday of Week 3)
Training Tuesday Week Week 3 (and Monday of Week 4)
Finally Friday Week Week 4 minus the long run

So the only run I need to update on is Saturday's long run.

I went to bed at 9:15 Friday night to prep for the early wake up. I didn't drink coffee before heading out, but I did take a gel. I'm using Carb Boom energy gels for fueling, since that is what is on the race course. I like it! It is pureed fruit, so it is more natural than other gels. I had to wear my arms sleeves with my tank top for the first 3 miles. It was cool compared to my previous runs, but felt nice! My legs were still a little sore from Wednesday's hills, so the first 2 miles were tough. I finally got settled in, and trucked along.

I stopped at my aunt's house for about 15 seconds since she was outside. I didn't need water this time, I brought my own in my UltrAspire pack. I also brought a small amount of Nuun in my handheld bottle and tucked it in one of the pack's pockets, and another gel. I took said gel about a half mile down the road. I alternated water and Nuun every other mile. As I went along, my legs felt stronger.

I didn't want to loop back around on roads I had ran earlier, so I headed out of town, and came back in on the highway. This was my first time running on the highway. I wanted to run on the left, as I normally do. There is a hill coming into town, so I decided that was a bad idea. So I just took my headphones out, and paid very close attention. I only encountered a few cars, and I survived! I put my headphones back in, only had about a quarter mile to go, and the headphones died. So I put them in my pack, and finished strong on my own! 9 miles down!

I ran what I do believe is my fastest 10k in this run 1:12:25. Peachtree Road Race one year ago was 1:12:59.  I also ran this only 20 seconds slower than my 8 mile run last week. Carrying my own water made a difference (so did the absence of morning coffee). Plus, I barely stopped, just kept trucking along. This run felt great!

I had a family reunion on Saturday, and had to prepare the dessert I took, Chocolate chip - cherry blondies. I stretched and foam rolled. Not as much as normal, though. I did get in a 25 minute nap. My legs were sore on Sunday. I foam rolled to try to loosen them up. I also got to witness my best friend get baptized on Sunday! Congratulations Ericka!

Weekly mileage - 20.08
Total Monumental mileage - 63.29
Total June mileage (2 runs before training started, plus Monday's run) - 76.45

Here's to another week of training!

Happy Running!

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